Monday, May 13, 2019

Feel the ouch in your heart

Circumstance would have it - we had the daughter and grand kids for dinner on a Monday night.  It's rare to have them fresh from their school day and at 7 and almost 5 years old - their interpretation of some of the days' lessons were priceless.

The most significant happening in first grade was a lesson on worms, complete with the experience of touching the worms, only if you were brave enough. 
Were they cold?   No, they're earth worms so they were warm.
Were they rubbery?  N-o-o-o-o-o
Were they smooth?  Yes, they were smooth, unless they were bumpy.
Were they wiggly?  Not our worms ( I bet)

Also in first grade - a story about peanut butter and jelly was shared with a friend.  One passage referenced "pea nuts and butt er."  This delivery was accompanied by the requisite giggles.  It seems the first grade girls decided this was all about body parts.  We tried to say we thought she was over-analyzing, but - we were wrong.  More giggles on the way out the door.

The five year old is soon leaving a Christian pre-school to go to kindergarten.  He's ready but tonight he was clearly carrying a heavy load.  The question posed at dinner "If Jesus is in our hearts, how can he be in Emma's heart, Mommy's heart, my heart?  He's just a little baby."  As he asked the question, his arms were motioning and he was clearly feeling both passion and frustration.  The daughter and I caught eyes and as we struggled to answer at a 5 yr. old level; he went on.  He made a little fist pressed up against his chest and said "He's just a little baby and he's in all of our hearts.  Why can't we hear him saying 'ouch'?  It has to hurt him."

With that, I heard my heart say ouch. 

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