Monday, June 24, 2024

2024 Rules

 Words, sticks, and stones all break bones.

Public floggings are now a beating by words, often in front of a congressional panel.

Judgement is
Action by action
Word by word
No longer reserved for your ultimate judge. 

Words feed perception.
Perception forms reality.
Reality shapes opinion.
Opinion adds the layers to our definition.
Our definition has become nothing more than left to right leaning politics.
Politics permeate all aspects of life.
Life is heavy.
Kind words are mainly
found in country songs.
So are wishes, honky tonks, twang, and love. 
Protests should be words
Published, or on placards or spoken through bullhorns, or chanted.
Dissent from those words is now infringement of rights, violence.
It is okay to dissent.  Hard period.
It's not okay that your right to protest infringes on the rights of others.
Pay attention.

Lies are not truthful words 
Even if you say them more often, faster, and louder.

War never works
and is usually only employed when all else fails,
When the drive for power and ownership is no longer
fueled by words but by aggression, 
Who wins 2024?

Why such hate 2024?
Is it easier?
Less work?
Less of yourself to give-up?
Why do we allow others' words
to shape who we are?
Try to be you.
Find your own words.

Take a deep breath.
Beyond the snarky, judgey,
political, opinionated,
Hateful words
The kind, feeling, loving words are there.
Hear them. Share them.



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